-Conservative Tree House.com
Raymond Ibrahim is a writer and researcher on Middle Eastern affairs and Islam. He is also a contributing writer for Frontpage Magazine, for whom the below article was written. It discusses certain documents that reveal the change of policy under President Obama towards the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and other countries in the region including Libya. It is these policies, which have favored the Brotherhood, which have contributed to the chaos we currently see in the region.
If you follow the link to the International Institute of Islamic Thought, you come to the name of Anwar Ibrahim, the Malaysian Islamist who was supported by the pilot in the missing Malaysian Airline 370 mystery.
Hopefully, these documents will continue to come out to see the light of day. They will reveal the most disastrous foreign policy in this nation's history.
The line between the dots are becoming more visible even to those who refuse to see the obvious truth before us. In Eric Hoffer's words, "Though it is held before our eyes, pushed under our noses, rammed down our throats — we know it not."
Obama has been pro-Arab in deeds (if not in words) from the outset.
Nothing else in this foreign policy makes any sense at all unless he had a core conviction that the Arab/Muslim world can be manipulated or swayed by concessions... usually at the expense of Israel.
As a matter of fact, the Arabs are independent actors and will do what they will or can do on their own volition. NOTHING we do will change their convictions. The Arabs of the Middle East hate us for what we are, no matter what we do.
Around June 2013, Kerry offered the Palestinians some 4 billion in aid... he promised to cut their unemployment by two thirds from over 20% to 6% and increase their GDP by 50% if only they would START peace talk. They REFUSED, saying that he was trying to bribe them. They have their own goals and they don't include making things better for their people.
The ONLY thing that matters is the destruction of the Jewish state! Both the PA and Hamas agree. Hamas goes further by saying every Jew in the world should be killed. It's in their Charter.
So how do you enter "peace talks" with them? You don't. You defeat them in battle. You assert your sovereignty and apply your laws and rules. They abide by them as those defeated did in both Germany and Japan did after WWII.
With the Arabs it will be easier... First because they are lousy military men and second they are so groveling when defeated (See the book The Closed Circle). It will take some generation to rid their societies of all those who were bred on Jew-Hatred, but it can be done. It seems the only solution.
Thanks goes to Miggie for exposing Obama for what he is. The Middle East is a mess due to his love for Islam and feckless ideology for world peace. He commissioned a study on why the Middle East is in such a disaster and an imposing danger. It concluded that the removal of secular totalitarian despots is a mistake, for they controlled the Islamists. We never saw the study and perhaps never will. Of course, other Presidents made the same mistake, by not understanding Islam. Thomas Jefferson read the Koran and knew that he had to take action in Tripoli.
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