Hat tip Francois Desouche and Gallia Watch
In with the new
One of the stories buried in the media during the World Cup (unless you live in France) is the out of control behavior of the Algerian soccer fans as their team progressed through the World Cup to the round of 16. Not that soccer riots are uncommon. I have personally seen one in Italy, and the Brits are famous for their soccer hooligans. This year it is the Algerians, mostly in France, who have taken center stage.
Below from Gallia Watch is a June 26 video of the reaction when Algeria tied Russia. The man in the video repeats several times. "France is ours!".
The French blog Francois Desouche has complied a list of incidents that took place in cities all across France when Algeria was knocked out by Germany. The list is in French, but I can tell you that it consists of fires set, cars burned, projectiles thrown at police, and other random acts of kindness, er violence.
Any excuse for a riot with these people. I understand that one of their women murdered a kindergarten teacher for no reason.
A good reason for strict immigration quotas.
For Algerians to say "France is ours" is no more than poetic justice, even if it is a kind of stupid notion.
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