There is no other way to describe it. The pictures and the videos speak for themselves. France's Muslim population engaged in a pogrom yesterday in Paris. The country is not safe for Jews. It is also clear that the leadership and police in France are not taking the proper steps to protect their Jewish population. While most of the the violence was carried out by their Magrebian and other Muslim inhabitants, what happened yesterday is France's shame.
And it is not just France. Most of the European countries have averted their eyes to what is happening, but France is clearly the worst. First it was Toulouse; then it was Brussels, an act carried out by a French citizen of Maghrebian origin. Now this. Even Malmo has not seen this barbarity against Jews.
For how long have I been saying that for Jews-and Europeans- it is the 1930s all over again? There is no denying it now. I would not blame any Jew who emigrates from Europe. They are at the mercy of these barbarian immigrants who are taking over Europe's streets attacking anyone who is different from them, but Jews are their first target.
And what are the Europeans doing about it? Precious little. They are afraid-intimidated. Anyone who speaks out and calls this what it is is in danger of being prosecuted for anti-Islamic hate speech-not to mention being targeted for death by these latter day Nazi invaders.
And where is the news media? Today I can't even find this story in Le Figaro, let alone CNN! I guess they have it buried someplace. Here via Gallia Watch is a short video of the attack on the Rue de la Roquette synagogue in Paris. (Thank God for blogs.)
The below link from the French blog Francois Desouche has additional videos of a mob described as Maghrebians (North Africans) in the area of the synagogue. In one video there is a pitched battle between them and Jews featuring throwing of chairs. As usual the French gendarmes make a late appearance.
I hope the US will open its doors to those French Jews who wish to come here. They would make a positive contribution to our society and help educate our uninformed masses as to the nature of the problem.
We can't take all those immigrants. We'd like to be nice, but we don't have room for all the refugees from all the terrible things happening in the world. What about our own country? We have to control our borders first, then we will consider if we can let some refugees in.
Note: Krystallnacht was planned and perpetrated at the highest levels of government, and carried out by official military, police, and paramilitary forces. Not exactly equivalent. More like a crowd of Catholic high schoolers throwing rocks at Jewish "Christ killers" in any American city.
While that was indeed a distinction, the rest is similar. To turn that around, one could say that the German people themselves were innocent of Kristallnacht. (Some took the occasion to loot, some were revolted, some took their Jewish neighbors in until the storm passed -temporarily- and most, I guess, just turned their heads.) So if there were no Arab officials responsible for Paris, we can only blame the Arabs themselves, right?
You can blame those who actually participated. To be equivalent to Krystalnacht, the entire Paris police force and a division or two of the French army would have to have been actively complicit in planning and carrying out the operation, while the mob would have played the ancillary role of making it look spontaneous. Also, it would have been going on spontaneously all over the country on the same night.
Now here are a few things worth considering:
France has a history of the political establishment AND much larger mobs that you post about here being overtly anti-Semitic... Dreyfuss comes to mind, and Vichy. It is POSSIBLE that people with such political sympathies remain in position to either facilitate or make use of the mobs who are out in front on this. IF so, THAT would be a story worth telling.
Supposedly, France turned its back on all that after executing Pierre Laval and giving lesser collaborators whatever treatment seemed appropriate.
France does in any case have a bit of a quandary responding to this, because the presence of a Muslim Arab population reflects a history of French colonial rule over territories such as Algeria and Tunisia. Its not outlandish for immigrants to feel they have a right to be there -- for former European colonial powers, its a matter of people from the colonies following the money that was drained from their homelands.
Now a government without that baggage would be more resolute about enforcing order... whatever grievances these mobs claim to have against Jews are neither of long standing nor related to the colonial legacy, but it is the French government that now has to crack heads.
It takes some work to present all that coherently, and distill it down to a few effective sound bytes. But it could be done, and of course it will have to be done.
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