-Photo: Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers
Last Sunday, pro-Israel folks in San Francisco held a peaceful rally in which they prayed for peace. Meanwhile the phonies, oddballs and misfits, who call themselves peace activists rallied in support of the terror group Hamas, which runs Gaza.

Photo-Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers
"Give them the finger, Andy!"
In case you have forgotten, Andrew Gutierrez is a professor emeritus (emeritus for what?) at UC Berkeley. His wife is one of those mad hatters who call themselves, "Women in black". They have been noted for lolly-gagging around the UCB campus on Fridays and harassing passers-by with their anti-Israel rants. Gutierrez "emeritated" himself a few years back by heckling a group of Jewish students who were peacefully protesting swastikas that were appearing on campus. Not only that, Gutierrez was caught on camera giving the students the finger. Real class act, this Gutierrez character!

"Professor Emeritus"
That's Gutierrez giving the finger, not to me, not to the IDF, but to a group of Jewish students peacefully protesting swastikas appearing on the UCB campus.
And a memo to the mope in the above photo wearing a Hamas poster: Hamas is a terrorist organization as designated by the US State Department. It is responsible not only for the deaths of innocent Israeli civilians, but Americans as well. When you wear that symbol, you are spitting on your own country-if you are, indeed, an American.
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