Yesterday, the Jewish Defense League (JDL) in Mississauga, Canada (Greater Toronto) conducted a peaceful protest in front of the Palestine House to mark the killings of three Israeli teenagers. Result? The Arabs went nuts.
The Canadian blog Blazing Cat Fur was there and recorded the event with pictures and video.
It seems inconceivable that no arrests of any of the Arabs were made given the abuse, both physical and verbal they heaped upon the cops. One of the JDL guys was knocked to the ground and injured.
At any rate, the images speak for themselves.
Gary you are asking for a Muslim to be treated like everyone else. Are you crazy? They are a protected class with more privileges than everyone else.
Now on the other hand I am surprised that the police didn't arrest the Jews for their crime. What was their crime you ask? They are Jews.
Of course they went nuts. This wasn't a march down a main public thoroughfare, this was deliberately lining up in front of this house to say "You're Palestinian, therefore we are here to blame you, the enemy." Talk about provocation. The Jewish Defense League is a fascist organization, about as representative of Jews as CAIR is of American Muslims.
Though I am no fan of the JDL, maybe it's good for the Palestinians to see how it feels after all the demonstrations they hold in front of Israeli missions and the disruptions of their ambassador and consuls when they speak in public.
There you go again, Gary, talking about "the Palestinians" en masse. IF a preponderance of those at this Palestine House were people who regularly disrupt the local Israeli consulate, then you might have a point. And it might be true. But that's a lot of maybes to hang advocacy on.
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