"Higher" education in NJ
What could be more essential to higher education than readings from the Vagina Monologues?
Conservative thoughts on the issues of today
As often happens, Fousesquawk takes an unfortunate event and elevates it to a level it never actually achieved.
It was not mandatory reading. It was one of many voluntary presentations at a more or less mandatory event. "Expected to attend" falls short of "you will lose your license if you fail to appear."
I've never seen the V-Mono. Nothing in the publicity led me to believe I would find it either entertaining or enlightening. I've seen some one-act plays (no pun intended) along similar lines, and found the exhibitionism to be without redeeming social importance. It could probably be said that this is just grown-up second graders using bad words in public and giggling about it.
But, the play was presented on the campus as part of the regular theater production season, for God knows what reason, and the program for the occasion was reliving events on campus from the past year. So yeah, its in poor taste, and worthy of some complaint, but really, what beyond that is the big deal?
Jumpin' jihadiphats! Your comment was longer than my post.
Though I have never attended one of these farces, I did a read UCI campus newspaper account of one of them a few years ago. Let me give you a taste (no pun intended) of what the wacko lady presenter was quoted as saying.
"When you get home tonight, I want you to closely examine it (your vagina). I watch you to touch it. I want you to smell it. I want you to taste it".
That is why I ridicule it.
I thought the scene in "Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe" pretty much took care of all the ridicule that particular line needed.
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