
Monday, June 16, 2014

Mohamed Elibiary: The Islamist Mole at DHS

Hat tip Jihad Watch

"Inevitable that caliphate returns.."

Jihad Watch has posted a tweet from Mohamed Elibiary, a Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer and admirer of the late Ayatollah Khomeini, who happens to be an official at DHS.

And what genius saw fit to bring this man into DHS?

That would be Janet Napolitano, currently the president of the University of California.

1 comment:

elwood p suggins said...

Interestingly enough, while I have not seen this dude on any program as a talking head in a little bit, he used to appear with some regularity. He always went by "Mo" or Moe", and while I knew he was a left wing radical, dumb--- me did not know his real name was Mohamed or that he was actually a jihad supporter. Oh well.