"They are walking among us."
You can't make this stuff up, Folks.
Meet Nabil Hammad, a Saudi "scholar", who we actually allowed to live in the US for 8 years. In this interview he explains to some other mope how Mickey Mouse and Sesame Street are all part of a Zionist plot to destroy humanity. MEMRI TV has provided the English translation.
This from a region where two of the biggest selling books are Mein Kampf and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. This from a region that produces their own version of Mickey Mouse that proclaims on Palestinian TV children's shows that he wants to kill Jews.
Now if he were talking about reality TV shows and the Kardashians, he might have a point. You still can't blame that on a Zionist conspiracy, however.
1 comment:
A lot of what he criticizes sound like the same thing American conservatives criticize... or has Fousesquawk become an advocate of the style of wearing pants below the hips? Some of the later stuff, yeah, silly, but my mother didn't want me spending much time watching Mickey Mouse, she thought it was a waste of time.
As for Mein Kampf and the PrEldZi, what we need to teach those Arab children and the adults handing them such books is, if they had never been written and acted upon, all the Jews would be happily living in Europe, while the Zionist movement would be a handful of octegenarians running isolated socialist communes.
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