The Sunni fighters of ISIS have posted photos and now a video of their handiwork: the slaughter of hundreds of Iraqi soldiers, security forces and Shi'ite men. Gateway Pundit has just posted them. The video shows hundreds of men loaded onto trucks for transport to their execution.
Meanwhile, the American Embassy in Baghdad is being partially evacuated.
And the Christians? They are in flight desperately trying to escape the ISIS.
Combined with what is happening in Syria, what we are seeing now is reminiscent of what the Germans did in Poland and the Soviet Union during World War II and the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. Worse yet, there are reports of severed heads lining roadways and ISIS men kicking heads around like soccer balls.
The British tabloid Daily Mail has loads of pictures and videos. They suspect hundreds of British Muslims who had gone to Syria may be involved.
"For more than a year, the Iraqi government has been pleading with the US for additional help to combat the insurgency, which has been fuelled by the civil war in neighbouring Syria."
And while all this is going on......
"Zot zot zot."
That was yesterday at the UC Irvine graduation at Angels Stadium. Earlier that morning, Obama attended a $32,000 a plate breakfast with fat cat donors. After the graduation, it was off to Palms Springs for some golf.
Sounds like ISIS. Shall we send the marines or not? Or did you want to drum up telegrams of protest to be sent to ISIS headquarters?
(I think we can count on Iran to make sure ISIS doesn't get too big for its britches. In fact, I think we can count on the Shia militia to stop ISIS north of Bagdhad,and the Kurds to keep them out of Kirkuk and points north and east. A nasty business, but not much for us to do about it. Maybe once Maliki learns what a fool he's been, we still have a few markers to call in from the Sunni Awakening. Don't suppose the sheiks like ISIS any better than they did AQIM. Kicking heads around like footballs doesn't inspire enduring allegiance and respect.)
Too bad we took out Saddam Hussein. He could have handled ISIS easily. Now what's left of his forces is in temporary alliance... another marriage of convenience likely to end in mutual violence soon.
Just saw where his daughter is happy her dad's followers are winning-or something like that.
Just saw where his daughter is happy her dad's followers are winning-or something like that.
Hezbollah is nowhere near Bagdhad. They have their hands full around Damascus. If they really get sucked in, it will be Lebanon's gain. ISIS is approaching Bagdhad. We had a common interest with the Soviet Union against our "ally" Finland, once Hitler invaded the USSR.
War is politics by different means.
Politics makes strange bedfellows.
'Nuff said.
This whole thing was entirely predictable.
There is an Iraq war veterans' web site running stories about how ISIS offensive bogged down once they captured some Humvees.
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