
Sunday, June 8, 2014

John Kerry's Arrogance Again on Display


Few people are as arrogant as John Kerry. In the wake of the swap of five Taliban commanders for Bowe Bergdahl, top military brass, present and retired, have said that releasing those five detainees would put US troops at further risk. Bergdahl's fomer fellow soldiers say the same.

To which our top diplomat says, "Baloney."

It seems that Kerry is talking out of both sides of his mouth. On the one side, he says our own troops will (largely) be gone after one year. On the other, he says that there will be people in Afghanistan who are "very effective" at dealing with these 5 if they return to the field of battle. Surely, he was not referring to Afghan government troops.

Also keep in mind that we are still negotiating with Afghanistan to keep a residual force in country to (further) train Afghans and to go after terrorists. But, of course, they will not be targets of the Taliban. No.

I am confused. I guess I will have to wait till next Sunday when Susan Rice can explain it to me.


Squid said...

I have said this before and I will say it again. Look at Obama's Security Counsel, with the serial lier Susan (it was a video) Rice who misinformed Americans; John (Swift Boat) Kerry who lied about or Vietnam Vets as he dishonored them in front of Congress and blamed his failure in the Middle East on Israel; There is also James Clapper who also lied to Congress.
Feeling real safe and secure?!
Obama, also a serial lier (you can keep your plan and your doctor), is the model for this behavior. So, there is almost nothing that one can believe which is shared with the American people.
This is really beyond arrogance and verges on sociopathy.


Miggie said...

I wonder if they got this new found "no soldier left behind" excuse from their cowardice in Benghazi.

They, the ambassador and 3 others were ok to leave die but for this traitor they give up FIVE high value terrorists to get back one.

Did I read the quote here or somewhere else that Obama said, "If I had a son he would be like Bowe Bergdahl." I believe it.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

We could impose a "no exchange" rule. Even Israel hasn't had the stomach to adhere to that. If Bergdahl had been shot in retaliation for our refusal to negotiate, Ted Cruz would be railing about the Obama administration's callous disregard for POWs.