
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Palestinian Outrage on Pope's Visit

You have to hand it to the Palestinians. When they invent images to make their case against Israel, no image is too distasteful. On the occasion of Pope Francis' visit to the Holy Land, they present him with Christian images altered to show Israeli "crimes" against Palestinians.

If anybody made up images of the Prophet Muhammad like that, there would be world-wide riots-as we all know. But that is the kind of respect Christians get in Arab countries.

Of course, anybody could play that game. I suppose the Israelis could draw up images of Jesus Christ boarding a bus in front of a Palestinian suicide bomber. Of course, the Israelis don't do that sort of thing. Too civilized, I guess.


Miggie said...

The best thing the Israelis could do is to show the Pope how the Palestinians desecrated the Church of the Nativity (!) in Bethleham in the most disgusting ways in 2002.

I hope he asks where all the Christians that used to live in Bethleham are now and why they had to leave there since it has been under Palestinian control.

Gary Fouse said...

Great point, Miggie, but he won't.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

That wasn't "the Palestinians" who desecrated the Church of the Nativity, that was "the Salafists." And there are ultra-Orthodox Jews who have done the same thing to Christian shrines in Israel, only nobody says "the Israelis" did it.

Miggie said...

I make it a point to ignore Siarlys as there is no greater waste of time than to respond to somebody on the internet who doesn't know what he is talking about.

I couldn't help but notice this LIE of his about Orthodox Jews desecrating Christian shines in Israel. Nothing could be farther than the truth, as ALL holy places to other religions are safe and protected in Israel.

As one just one example, the Baha'i'Gardens in Haifa and Akko are magnificent (I've been there myself). (Try doing that in Gaza)

Any "desecration" by Israelis has been rare and typically painting graffiti on a wall which is quite a bit different than what the Arabs did to the Church of the Nativity. The Arabs used the pulpit as toilets and did the same things to other holy objects.
I was also there about the same time.

Incidentally, the Israelis arrest anyone caught desecrating any mosque or church while the arabs name streets and squares after terrorists and put up posters with their pictures.

The difference between the two is as great as between Siarlys and me. One is a loser school bus driver who has never been to any of the places he propounds (typically incomprehensibly) on.

I am going to re-double my efforts to ignore him, even though email notice I get that he has posted something here is already automatically sent to my trash file.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Miggie, I could say "I am rubber you are glue," but you don't have sufficient integrity to merit even that reply. You are a curmugeonly old misanthrope who spent your active life exporting American jobs overseas for the pure pleasure of it, who wouldn't recognize a fact if you tripped over it in broad daylight. (And, you have occasionally said something nice about me when you happened to appreciate a point I made. It happens to all of us).

As to your allegation of falsehood, google "Jewish desecration Christian holy sites." Here is one paragraph I turned up:

"The Israeli government and the American Jewish Committee (AJC) have responded with firm condemnation of the latest act of vandalism by Jewish extremists against Christian holy places. Today anti-Christian graffiti were found defacing a wall leading to the Church of the Dormition in Jerusalem. This episode follows others: the Trappist Monastery of Latrun, the Baptist and the Orthodox Churches of Jerusalem."

Now you can take pride in the fact that the government of Israel condemned the vandalism, but they did not prevent it from happening. Maybe its not reasonable to expect a government to prevent every crime that might be committed under its jurisdiction. That's why we have criminal courts and arrest people who commit crimes, to keep the lid on.

But, vandalism and desecration have occured, committed by ultra-Orthodox Jews, in Israel, multiple times. And nobody says "the Israelis" did it. (Nor should anyone say that).

Gary, are you unaware that Salafism is a religious tendency, one Saudi Arabia has been actively funding everywhere in the world they could pump in sufficient money?