Belgian police are looking for what they say is a lone gunman in the shooting at a Jewish museum in Brussels.
"Deputy prosecutor Ine Van Wymersch said "we call on the whole population to help identify this person." Her office was preparing to publish video taken around the time of the Saturday attack."
Here, via Le Figaro, is the aforementioned video, which has been released by Belgian police: A separate video shows Ms. Van Wymersch speaking in English at a press conference.
The above article also reports that several hundred people demonstrated in Brussels in solidarity with the Jewish community. Other reports state that the entire country is in a state of shock. There are still conflicting reports as to whether a fourth victim, a young Belgian man in his twenties, has died.
Le Soir (BE) has an additional photo of the gunman in firing position. Physical description at this point is only medium build, athletic appearance and movement. It now appears that this person was on foot as opposed to fleeing in a vehicle.
Vlad Tepes has additional information in English with a link to a French report.
"The police specifies that the author has used a Kalashnikov with a foldable stock, before fleeing on foot in the direction of Rue des Chandeliers and Rue Haute.
He was dressed in light blue with a clear logo at the left breast level, dark trousers and dark shoes with light soles. He carried a dark shoulder bag with a small white logo and another type of sport bag, also dark and with a light logo."
Funny how Gary Fouse uses a blog named after one of the most sadistic murderers in human history (Vlad Tepes aka Vlad the Impaler) as a reference source to whine about a current day massacre.
Do you now understand what I mean when I say Judaism is a mental disorder???
I am only posting this to prove my point about the Jew-haters out there. It is you who have the mental illness (Jew-hatred). You are also a coward because you will not even attach your name to your statements and sick beliefs. Me, I don't deal in anonymous letters and comments. My signature goes on everything I write.
As for Vlad the Impaler/Vlad Tepes, that is irrelevant to your anti-Semitism.
That is the difference between you and me.
The above comments remind me of the aphorism "Never argue with a fool, people might not be able to tell the difference," except I can't pin down who would look better avoiding conversation with the other.
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