
Monday, May 12, 2014

Latest Nigerian Video

"Let there be no compulsion in religion"
Quran- 2:256


The latest Nigerian video released by Boko Haram shows the schoolgirls who were abducted. It also makes it much harder for the mainstream media to overlook why they were abducted. Most of the girls are Christian and have been forced to convert to Islam.

I am sure American Islamic organizations like CAIR will have an explanation for all this. In CAIR's case, they will likely ignore it or make a public plea for the girls' release. Out here in Southern California, religious leaders like Muzammil Siddiqi will attend yet another interfaith meeting and declare that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance as I have heard him say so many times.

Yet, this is not just some aberration that is happening in Nigeria. It is happening in Egypt. It is happening in Syria. It is happening in many other Islamic-majority lands. In contrast, Muslims who try to leave Islam are subject to the death penalty-in some cases, like in Saudi Arabia, imposed by the government. In other cases, it is imposed by the family or tribal elders acting according to sharia law-yes, that same sharia law that "is no threat whatsoever to our rights and perfectly in conformance with our Constitution".

Ayaan Hirsi Ali has written on this outrage in the Wall Street Journal.

Ali's words make perfect sense. It is time for Western liberals to wake up to the horrors going on in places liken Nigeria and understand the twisted ideology that is behind them.


Gary Fouse said...

The Lords resistance army has no Christian support outside its own group, has no scripture to base its ideology on, no examples from the life of Jesus nor any other basis to claim what they are doing is in line with Christian faith. Boko Haram does have a basis for its policies and acts.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Newsflash: Gary Fouse says Boko Haram has a basis for what they're doing!

Outside "their own group" (and a few other like-minded armed barbarians) what "support" does Boko Haram have? Even northern Muslim Hausa civilians are organizing militias to keep them away.

(Too bad the girls schools haven't trained their students in basic riflery and issued AR-15's to be kept beside their bed at night.)