Chloe Valdary (l) and Ayaan Hirsi Ali (r)
Two women of courage
I am cross-posting the below article from my friends at Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers. It concern the despicable attack upon Chloe Valdary, a young African-American female student at the University of New Orleans to has the courage to speak out in defense of Israel. That earned her a vicious attack from a Seattle-based blogger named Richard Silverstein, who has more recently attached Ayaan Hirsi Ali. In response, a black Democratic legislator in Pennsylvania has come to Valdary's defense and pointed out the racism of some of Israels attackers.
I find it amazing how so many American supporters of the Palestinians accuse others of racism (against Palestinians and non-whites in general). Yet when confronted with blacks who fail to toe the progressive line, the first words they reach for are " Uncle Tom", "house negro", "sell-out" etc. These names are even used by whites like Silverstein, who otherwise claim to be so "enlightened" when it comes to matters ethnic.
Richard Silverstein
Small man
Naturally, the same treatment is given out by progressives to Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She is an "Islamophobe", you see. Never mind that she grew up Muslim in Somalia, underwent a forced genital circumcision, escaped a planned forced marriage, experienced the murder of her friend, Theo Van Gogh, in the Netherlands when he made a film with her that criticized Islam's treatment of women, and has lived under guard ever since. She obviously must be a bigot to say those unkind things about the culture she fled from.
I would like to see people like Silverstein live out experiences like those and see what their attitudes might be,
It's telling that those using terms like "house Negro" are all self-consciously "white radicals." I haven't heard the term on the street in decades. Silverstein has no idea what an ass he is making of himself, in public yet.
Also, I applaud Gary Fouse for giving credit to a black Democrat from Pennsylvania.
Go to his site Tikun Olam. You can find it here in the fiction section. Scroll down to the post on Ayaan ali on the Israelis-Palestinians and read my exchange with this guy. I am a disadvantage because he has deleted some of my comments for violating his rules. See for yourself.
Well, as far as blog hosts having the courage to accept criticism in the comments section, you're a better man than he is. But I already would have guessed that.
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