
Sunday, April 6, 2014

UC Santa Barbara Crime Wave Goes on

UC Skate Board in the news again

First it was professor Mireille Miller-Young charged for multiple offenses arising out of her confrontation with a couple of young pro-life ladies that made national news. Now it is a riot in the adjacent beach community of Isla Vista. One hundred people have been arrested, and a UCSB campus cop is seriously injured. Ironically, it looks like the most extensive report comes from the Daily Mail in the UK.

Notwithstanding the fact that there is also a community college in Santa Barbara, is it safe to say most of those arrested are probably UCSB students?


Maybe they are "outsiders", you know, the hate-filled outsiders that Vice Chancellor Michael Young was talking about in his campus-wide e-mail after the Miller-Young incident. Maybe they were anti-abortion protesters gone wild.

Here is a report with more video from the UCSB campus paper, Daily Nexus:

Note to UCSB Chancellor Henry Yang: You have a problem on your campus. You need to deal with it. Those students identified as being involved should be expelled.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

That's been going on in Isla Vista for decades. Even fans of the Beach Boys used to behave like that now and then? Or did you find a Muslim-sounding name among those arrested?

Gary Fouse said...

Straw man.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Who? Where?