
Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Latest School Disgrace: What Does Mumia Abu Jamal Have in Common With ML King?

(Answer: Nothing)

But that is what some teacher in Oakland has his 11th grade students considering.

I need a beer.


elwood p suggins said...

Just another Kool-Aid drinker (much like Siarlys, at least on this topic). While there are far too many of them, and while they breathe the same air we do, and spawn, they do not yet constitute a permanent majority.

If this fool is so innocent, why has he been unable to have the conviction itself overturned, as occurred with the death penalty, after all this time. What do he and his attorneys know that witnesses, prosecutors, and MANY judges do not??

Siarlys Jenkins said...

elwood is peddling Kool-Aid? I don't think I'd give it a try. God knows what elwood put into it, and he hasn't revealed it to me.

Asking students to make a comparison can come up with all kinds of answers. What does Adolf Hitler have in common with Beethoven? That could be an instructive exercise. What does Cotton Mather have in common with Madalyn Murray O'Hair? What does Hirsan Alli have in common with Qutb?

The possibilities are endless. Now if the teacher prescribed, "You must show them to have A LOT in common, in fact almost EVERYTHING, so keep that in mind before you do any research... that would be a serious defect.

One of the most critical biographies of Huey P. Newton, Shadow of the Panther, was written by a man who started out thinking of Huey as a hero, but found stubborn facts everywhere he looked.

That said, I think fairly well of Mumia, but I wouldn't confuse him, for good or ill, with MLK.