
Monday, April 28, 2014

The Death of Free Speech in Britain

Paul Weston, a British political candidate has been arrested while making a speech in which he quoted Winston Churchill's comments about Islam.

So this is what it has come to. Anjem Choudary and his followers can stand on street corners yelling, "Burn down Buckingham Palace", damn democracy and call for critics of Islam to be beheaded, but say one negative word about Islam and you get arrested mid-speech?

This is a country that has banned Pam Geller, Robert Spencer and Michael Savage from entry but opens its doors to dangerous Islamists. I think it is high time we turn the tables on this sinking wreck of a country. I for one have no interest in ever returning to Britain as long as it is in this state of affairs. Frankly, I would consider it a mark of honour should this nation ban little ol' me from entry.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

It wasn't one of Churchill's better days -- reminiscent of Luther's comments about Jews, which were quoted by conservative Lutheran Prussian pastors during the early years of the Third Reich. (Also, Churchill was clearly showing historical ignorance of the first order).

As for issuing a restraining order, it appears in Britain the police can do that. They generally cannot in this country. Sometimes they act as if they can.

I think if Gary were consistent, he would have remarked that the candidate should have complied with the officer's direction, and appealed later. He was arrested for refusing to do so.