
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Help Robert Spencer and Jihad Watch

I am posting an e-mail I got today from David Horowitz which asks for donations to support Robert Spencer and his site Jihad Watch. A month or so back, I noted that Jihad Watch, a blog which is linked here, was not being updated. That's because it was the victim of a cyber attack. That is the kind of tactic that the other side does. They will do anything to shut down our voices. It is beyond despicable. It is against what this nation stands for. Unfortunately, the militant Islamists do not respect free speech.


Dear DHFC Supporter, 

Cyber terrorists are so threatened by Robert Spencer's Jihad Watch, they're desperate to shut it down. 

Now they've mounted a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack - a cyber attack designed to push Jihad Watch offline and render it inaccessible. 

Jihad Watch is under continual attack of this kind, but this most recent instance was significant for its size: these friends and supporters of jihad terrorists threw immense amounts of money and resources into taking destroying Jihad Watch. 

In previous attacks over the last couple of years, the cyber terrorists were satisfied with taking the site down for a brief period and claiming victory, but now the attacks have escalated. Since we have started blocking their attacks, they have increased in ferocity, bombarding Jihad Watch's server with so many requests for connections that the server goes down. At times there have been as many as 1,000,000 requests an hour! 

A representative of the company that built a firewall around Jihad Watch said that this ongoing attack was one of the five most virulent cyber attacks they're currently fighting anywhere on the web. 

Another seasoned cyber security expert told us that he had never seen such a virulent and persistent attack in all of years of working on protecting websites from just such attacks. 

That's why, in the midst of this great struggle, I need to ask for your help. In order to keep Jihad Watch online, we need to equip it with the best cyber security apparatuses available. But effective cyber security - especially cyber security that is strong enough to withstand the astonishingly powerful attacks that are being directed against Jihad Watch - doesn't come cheap. 

Please help us today to keep Jihad Watch online. Those who do help us will receive a free, autographed copy of Robert's new book, Arab Winter Comes to America - a sobering and eye-opening look into how U.S. government and law enforcement have adopted a posture of willful ignorance toward the jihad threat.
  • For a donation of $25 I'll send you a FREE copy of Arab Winter Comes to America;
  • For a donation of $50 I'll send you a copy SIGNED by Robert Spencer; and
  • For a donation of $100 or more I'll have Robert write a PERSONAL message in your signed copy.
Please follow this link to make your tax-deductible donation of $25, $50, $100, or more right away to provide the funds to secure Jihad Watch. 

You see, the cyber terrorists know that Robert Spencer tells the truth and that they can't refute him on rational grounds - so they resort to the forcible suppression of free speech that is a hallmark of the increasingly authoritarian and thuggish Left. 

We have put in place a number of sophisticated and strong safeguards to make sure that Jihad Watch stays online - but we keep having to add more, as the cyber terrorists never give up, and keep finding ways to circumvent the firewalls and other protective devices we have in place. 

All this cyber security is essential, because Jihad Watch is one of the very few places online or off where you can find the whole truth about the Islamic jihad against the free world. That's why Leftist and Islamic supremacists hate Robert Spencer so much. 

If Jihad Watch goes down for good - and that's the cyber terrorists are trying to accomplish - the global jihadists and their Leftist friends and allies will have won a crucial victory in their efforts to keep Americans ignorant and complacent about the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat. 

That's why I'm urgently asking you to help us keep Jihad Watch online. Those who do help us will receive a free, autographed copy of Robert's new book, Arab Winter Comes to America - a sobering and eye-opening look into how U.S. government and law enforcement have adopted a posture of willful ignorance toward the jihad threat. 

Thank you for all you do in this great struggle. 

David Horowitz
David Horowitz 

P.S. The Council on American-Islamic Relations calls Robert Spencer "one of the nation's most notorious Islamophobes;" Saudi Arabia's Dar al-Hayat newspaper dubbed him "the Likud anti-Christ;" And al Qaeda's Adam Gadahn called him a "Zionist Crusader, missionary of hate, counter-Islam consultant." 

Jihadists - and of course the Left - hate Robert Spencer and are trying to take down Jihad Watch. In return for your gift, I'll send you a copy of Robert's new book Arab Winter Comes to America


Siarlys Jenkins said...

This reads like a Democratic Party fundraising letter crying about the Koch Brothers and their money.

The solution is always "send money to us," but its never quite clear how that will fix the problem.

David Horowitz and Robert Spencer... two names that inspire a reasonable man to walk swiftly in the opposite direction.

Gary Fouse said...


I have heard both of them speak in person on two occasions. I think you would find it very hard to debate what they say. I suggest you go see them when they come your way.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Oh, if they come out this way I will. I think I can do a good job of playing Gary Fouse with them (that is, how Gary Fouse poses questions to those he doesn't agree with...

...I used to read Horowitz when he was an editor at Ramparts magazine. I read what he and Peter Collier said about why they were voting for Ronald Reagan. I read the half-assed responses from their former comrades who couldn't quite make sense of themselves, much less Horowitz.

But basically, Horowitz is a man who has made a career of getting paid to give talks on what a durned fool he was.