Photo-Atlas Shrugs
Add this to the recent reports of threatening images and words at San Francisco State University coming from the anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian crowd. The below post from Atlas Shrugs shows a photo purported to be a University of Michigan student who is front and center in the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions movement at Ann Arbor, where a proposed resolution failed this week.
The situation is getting worse. Is it going to take a dead student on campus to make our university administrators crawl out from underneath their desks?
Is there any realistic probability of a dead student? Seems like a bit of hyperbola. Those making these silly video tapes are full of hot air, but as I observed with your approval, are hardly the material the Israeli army need be afraid of. They would probably faint at the sight of blood.
Not just a dead student but a multimillion dollar lawsuit to accompany it.
So Findalis, how badly do you want a dead student to justify a multimillion dollar lawsuit? Sounds a bit like that Polish attack on a German radio station, eh what?
Sooner or later violence will happen. Already Jewish students are receiving death threats, threats the universities are not taking seriously. They refuse to do anything. The next step the anti-Semites will resort to will be violence since they cannot achieve their aims through any other means.
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