
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Mighty Delta Smelt Prevails Again

                                                                "Who farted? I smelt it."

Notwithstanding President Obama's much-ballyhooed recent visit to the San Joaquin Valley, the farmers continue to take it in the shorts as the ultra-liberal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld the federal guidelines refusal to allow water to go to the valley-all in order to protect the Delta Smelt.

We have been following this story for years. Even before the drought, the San Joaquin Valley, supposed to be our nation's breadbasket, has seen the loss of thousands of farmers' jobs due to the water shortage-all caused by deliberate diversion in order to protect a finger-sized fish used as salmon bait.


Findalis said...

Expect higher food prices if not out right shortages until other sources are in play.

Can you imagine what hunger and starvation would be like in this country if the Environazis actually got their way and shut down food production.

elwood p suggins said...

Poor little smelt (or is it smelts??).

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Oh yeah, the ENTIRE water shortage is caused by diversion to sustain the delta smelt. There is PLENTY of snow pack, the rivers are rushing with fresh clean water, but ALL of it is being diverted to the delta smelt. Oh, and there is no global warming causing any drought.

Gary Fouse said...

Do some research Siarlys. For several years now, the waters have been diverted from the SJ Valley to protect the smelt. And GW has caused this drought?

Ever read the Grapes of Wrath? Was that caused by GW too?

Siarlys Jenkins said...

California wasn't having a drought in the 1930s Gary. That's why all the Okies were going there. The Dust Bowl was caused by certain agricultural experts in the late 19th and early 20th century who encouraged farmers to settle in what had been known as "the Great American Desert" by teaching techniques for plowing after rain and getting a crop out of arid soil. In the long run, the Dust Bowl was the result.

Burning fossil fuels has similar short term benefits and long term hazards.

Waters don't get "diverted" from the San Joaquin Valley to the delta. Waters are LEFT in the San Joaquin River to reach the delta, they way they always have before certain liberals invented the California Water Project.