
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Reactions to the Lee Rigby Murder in Australia-and Anjem Choudary

I came across this by accident this morning. It features interviews in the Australian Muslim community in response to the murder of British soldier Lee Rigby last year. It is troubling. Also interviewed is Anjem Choudary, the British Muslim leader, who is always troubling. There is also a refreshing clip of an elderly British Muslim trying to chase Choudary out of his neighborhood.

If you are ready for a double feature, Irish pundit Pat Condell has a piece on Choudary. He recommends Choudary for knighthood. Not because he likes Andy, mind you. Rather because Andy is honest and straightforward about his intentions as opposed to all those stealth jihadists.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Yeah, Choudary and Condell need each other, just like Bush and bin-Laden did. A classic ONION headline: "Privileged children of millionaires square off on the world stage."