The below report from Patrick Poole in The Blaze is extensive and documents how the current administration has allowed elements of the Muslim Brotherhood in America to actually infiltrate our government and in particular force the FBI to purge training materials that talk about Islam when it comes to terror. I urge the reader to go over this article, click the links and watch the videos. It is all quite dumbfounding.
In regard to the purged FBI materials, below are two examples, the first being presentation materials of Colonel Matthew Dooley (who was fired upon the complaints of the Islamic groups), and the second being presentation materials of FBI employee William Gawthrop. I am unable to actually link them here, so the reader will have to copy and paste.
As a retired DEA agent, I know deep inside that the FBI agents and those of other agencies have to be seething over this. It is a result of what happens when you have an administration in power that is in league with the CAIRs, the MPACs, and the ISNAs of this country. It is beyond shameful. It is downright treasonous when you consider that the government has documented the intentions of these groups.
Speaking of why is a significant event receiving no media coverage, how come Gary Fouse hasn't covered the recent decision by a Muslim of Indian descent serving as a state judge in New Jersey which came down firmly in support of a woman who didn't want the father of her about to be delivered baby to be present in the hospital?
The man had first got her pregnant, then proposed marriage, then broken it off, then demanded to be present when "his child" was born. The judge, based on precedents such as Roe v. Wade, ruled that the option lies entirely with the expectant woman, and the man has no rights in the matter.
The judge had been viciously grilled when nominated to the bench, about whether as a Muslim he would implement the law of the land or impose Shariah law. We all know which way the versions of "Shariah" being bandied about lately would have run on such a dispute. All the usual gang of idiots showed up to claim that a Muslim could not possibly be a good judge, that the inevitable result would be "creeping Shariah."
But why is Gary Fouse not covering this important story?
Gary Fouse is not covering this important story because he had never heard of it. Is this the same judge appointed by Chris Chritie for which he was criticized?
It is indeed. It seems he has been vindicated, but of course the sector of the chattering classes on which you rely for information wouldn't breathe a word, would they?
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