
Sunday, March 16, 2014

EXTRA!! Read All About it!


Miggie said...

When you get down to it, the theoretical climate change would result in an inch or so rise in ocean levels by the end of the century according to the UN study on Global Warming....oops Climate Change.

If you want to stop it, it would require massive changes in the economy, harming tens of millions, and foregoing a bonanza of energy in our own country.

Even worse, what they never mention, is that the world wide fix requires massive financing of third world country by the developed countries because they can't afford to fix the pollution they create. (Remind you of the Dartmouth situation?)

It seems to me that we will get a scientific solution, if indeed there is a problem, sometime in the next 90 years.

Squid said...

This morning, as I listened to President Obama in another feckless address, this time regarding Putin's takeover of the Crimea, I saw the White House and the rest of the surrounding area covered with snow. Yes, it is real snow. March 20th is the official start of Spring, which is only three days away. So Kerry should look out of the State Department window and check the weather before he puts "Global Warming" number 1 the priority list.
