
Friday, March 7, 2014

Another IRS Scandal

Hat tip PJ Media

Wile President Obama claims there is not a smidgen of corruption in the IRS-Tea Party scandal, Lois Lerner continues to take the 5th, and Elijah Cummings throws hissy fits in Congress, another IRS scandal has emerged. How is it that a fired cop who pleaded guilty to tipping off a terror suspect gets employment with the IRS? Read on.

"Weiss Russell (he has changed his name from “Weiss Rasool,” the name under which he was convicted), is currently employed as a financial management analyst in the IRS Deputy Chief Financial Officer’s Office."

I wonder if Elijah Cummings would like to get to the bottom of that as well.

Likely not.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Darryl Issa has apologized to Elijah Cummings. I seldom admire anything Issa does, but I must give him credit for having the courage to do that.

Gary Fouse said...

Has Cummings in turn apologized to Issa? Have not heard about that.