
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Presbyterian Church USA is Fueling Anti-Semitism

I have written before on the unconscionable activism of the Presbyterian Church USA against the Jewish state of Israel. Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center has written this piece criticizing the church's most-recent anti-Zionism publication.

Perhaps, the Presbyterian Church USA is forgetting the very reason that Israel was re-established after the Holocaust and just who carried the Holocaust out. At a time in history when Christians and Jews should be standing together, the Presbyterian Church USA  has aligned itself with the wrong side. It is hard to conclude that anything other than Jew hatred is the reason. I say that as a Christian, painful as it is.


Findalis said...

And people wonder why I trust too few Christians. Most are just waiting for the time to finish the job they've been doing on my people for 2000 years.

Gary Fouse said...


Now is the time for Christians and Jews to stand together. When I see Christians-especially Christian leaders who are on the wrong side, I will point them out. The Presbyterian Church USA is one. That pastor in Pasadena who heads the All Saints Episcopal Church (Ed Bacon ) is another. Another I am leery of is Rick Warren. I am still waiting for a response to an email I sent him months ago about his embrace of Maher Hathout of MPAC. But don't give up on all of us.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Israel wants lebensraum.

Oh, I just noticed, Gary has pre-emptively answered my comment, two days before I posted it!

Shades of the KGB!