
Monday, February 3, 2014

Handsome Henry's Farewell Address: Sour Grapes and Me, Me, Me, I, I, I

"It is the year 2019. Henry Waxman, row retired, sits in his study in California surrounded by mementos of all his great legislative achievements. (The one on the lower left is for writing a letter to the Santa Monica Post Office complaining over their lack of parking spaces.) Occasionally, he gets a letter from a former constituent asking him to raise their taxes, but he never answers them. After all, it's all over now. If it only hadn't been for those Republicans and the tea party....."

Never let it be said that Handsome Henry Waxman would go out in class. In this piece in the Washington Post, Waxman brags about all his great legislative accomplishments as he takes final parting shots at the tea party and Republicans in Congress.

Handsome Henry, Ladies and Gentlemen. He will be missed. I mean what am I going to do with this great piece of artwork I created?

"Tax me, Henry. Tax me. Just one more time."

1 comment:

Squid said...

Yah! "Handsome" Henry sure did a great job of protecting the interests of his constituents in the mega wealthy Malibu and Beverly Hills districts. Malibu claims the most expensive home in California, as a $74.5 million, 15,355 square foot beachfront home. One wonders what deals he made with these folks. His greatest accomplishment was protecting the poor unknowing fans from the evil steroid using baseball players. Sandra Fluke will have a great opportunity providing free contraception to Beverly Hills and Malibu residence.
