
Friday, January 3, 2014

Who Should We Send Next to Negotiate With N Korea?

Kim Jong Un had his uncle fed alive to hungry dogs

That's the million-dollar question as we now learn how the North Korean regime gets rid of its monkeys' uncles. It feeds them to the dogs.

So who  shall it be-Jimmy Carter? Madeleine Albright? Bill Richardson? Dennis Rodman?

And you wonder why we never learn that it is futile to try and make deals with evil, fanatical regimes like North Korea, Hitlerian Germany, Iran, Libya, etc.

"Deal ahoy!"


Siarlys Jenkins said...

In the real world Gary, you either deal with people, or you take them out.

elmer fudd aka elwood p suggins said...

Siarlys is lecturing Gary on the real world??

Gary Fouse said...

Imagine that.