
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Victor Davis Hanson on the Modern Anti-Semitism

Conservative writer Victor Davis Hanson is one of the most articulate voices of conservatism around these days. So when his op-ed on the new anti-Semitism appeared today in the Orange County Regisiter, I quickly decided to cross-post it.

Hanson is spot on that when Israel is singled out for international condemnation while other nations with horrific human rights records, many of whom being Israel's neighbors, are ignored, the obvious conclusion is that anti-Zionism is little more than code language for Jew hatred. It is similar to referring to "welfare queens" when you want to take a shot at black people. It matters not how many misfit anti-Israel Jews from the left you can trot out to showcase your protestations that you are not anti-Semitic. Do you really believe that Arabs care about who owned a house or a plot of land back in 1948? The issue is that they will not accept a Jewish state in their region. In fact, they have reached the point where not only can individual Jews not live in Arab lands, but Christians as well.

What we see today is a marriage, if you will, between the pro-Palestinian forces, Islamic Jew-haters, non-Islamic Jew-haters, and the academic left. It goes so perfectly with the leftist post-colonial forces that reign supreme in academia. Not that colonialism was good in my view. However, it has been used by academics in order to condemn everything about Western civilization in favor of a perverted version of multi-culturalism that says that anything non-western, non-American, and non-white is preferred-not equal- but preferred.

We ignore what is going on in academia at our peril. Virtually every future leader of America is walking thorough those halls of ivy as we speak. It has already produced Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and Barack Obama, who most recently have been putting this post colonial mentality into practice at Israel's expense.

And ours.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Conservative writer Victor Davis Hanson is one of the most articulate voices of conservatism around these days.

To paraphrase William F. Buckley, Jr., that is rather like pointing out the tallest building in Witchita. (He was responding to a moderator on "Firing Line" who had introduced Michael Harrington as "the foremost socialist in America today." I approved of Buckley's comment in the original as well.

Gary Fouse said...


You say that because you disagree with him.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

As did Buckley!

No, I don't merely disagree. I find his arguments to be puerile, shallow, and without significant substance.