Hat tip John Speedie for audio
We begin with a bit of good news from 2013. The feds are investigating the LA Sheriffs Department over alleged corruption in the LA County Jail. Thus far, 18 deputies have been indicted. No, that's not good news, but the good news is that LA Sheriff Lee "Football head" Baca is under fire as he is running for re-election.

When he's not providing VIP accommodations to celebrities like Paris Hilton and Lindsey Lohan, Baca is running around with CAIR and MPAC leaders and trying to tell us that sharia law is perfectly compatible with the US Constitution. Hopefully, this scandal will cause Sheriff Sharia to lose his bid to be reelected.
Speaking of football, can there be a more deserving team in the playoffs than the San Diego Chargers?
I mean first KC Coach Andy Reid plays his second stringers in the final game to rest his starters. Then they miss a short field goal that would have given the Chiefs the game and put my Steelers in the playoffs. Then the refs blow a couple of calls that would have given the Chiefs the game. Finally, the Chargers win in overtime against the Chiefs' second string. You talk about lucky.
Ok. Sour grapes. The Steelers didn't deserve it either.
But there was good news out of Dallas, where the Eagles knocked Jerry Jones' All Stars out of the playoffs.
Yes, it just won't be the playoffs without America's Team.
Speaking of roll outs, President Obama must be glad 2013 is over. Today, Obamacare is in full force.

...which means about one million Americans are trying to figure out whether they are really enrolled or just think they are enrolled, in which case they can expect a HHS SWAT team to come crashing through their doors any week now. Meanwhile, 5-6 million others know they don't have insurance-thanks to Obamacare. If you think 2013 was bad for Obama, wait until 2014 plays out.
Another piece of good news in 2013 was Egypt, where the military overthrew Mohammed Morsi and is now rounding up the Muslim Brotherhood and seizing their assets. Furthermore, it promises to be a record-breaking year for John Heinz Kerry. He is about to embark on his 10th (or is it 11th?) trip to the Middle East since he became SecState in the coming days. Hell, I'm lucky if I can make it to Germany once every two years. Teresa must suspect John has a belly dancer stashed away over there.
(Maybe he does.) "Heigh ho, heigh ho. It's off to work I go."
"I don't think that's funny."
But don't think that John-John is just a figurehead like his predecessor Hillary Clinton was-running off to over 100 countries with nothing to show for it-except that little tea party in Benghazi. No, Kerry has been busier than a one-armed pizza maker. And he gets results. Already, he has sewed up his first Nobel Peace Prize along with EU Foreign Affairs chief Lady Catherine Ashton (pictured below), who is proof positive that Camilla Parker-Bowles is not the ugliest woman in Britain.
"I don't think that's funny."
And what has Kerry accomplished? Have you forgotten that historic Peace in our Time deal with the trusty Iranians? They get $7 billion in relief from international sanctions, and in return, they agree to grant their nuclear scientists a 40-hour-work week, thus delaying their getting atomic bombs. That's good enough for the Scandinavians.
As for the big Israel-Palestinian peace negotiations, Kerry has strong-armed the Israelis into releasing over 100 Palestinian killers in return for----the right to negotiate with the Palestinians.
"Ah wunnerful, ah wunnerful, ah."
Just this week, the West Bank welcomed home 26 more convicted murderers to a heroes' welcome. Meanwhile, how many concessions do you think the Palestinians have granted? Here's a hint for all you University of Oregon Middle East Studies majors:
But there is good news for the Israelis. Rumor has it that Kerry is willing to throw convicted spy Jonathan Pollard into the deal.

"Ah wunnerful, ah wunnerful, ah."
(Thank God he's not general manager of the Cubs.)
And who knows what miracle Kerry will fashion in Syria?
Just think: That could make 3 Nobel prizes for John Kerry. To say nothing of the Nobelly dancer.
"Now that's funny."
Where do you come up with these photos of ugly women? (I mean the belly dancer).
I agree that the Lady Ashton is fairly ugly, but the belly dancer looks OK to me.
Irony of ironies. Although it is off-topic, Siarlys, our Resident Bloviator-in-Chief, at least on this particular blog if not of all time (possibly excepting Bill Clinton), recently accused me, in an entry which has now gone to the dead-letter file, of blowing hot air. That is the epitome of pots insulting kettles.
I would have him know that I am a very shy, insecure, and sensitive person such that it is so distressing whenever he attacks me personally, I tend to just come from together and weep.
You like Ashton more?
I'm spoken for. Just asking...
elwood, I would say 'if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen,' except I don't believe a word of your self-description, even if I do think of you as a kind of de-cartoonicized Elmer Fudd.
After reading this thread, I am assuming that New Year’s Eve reveling was a bit too much. I will stay on subject and mention that John (Swift Boat) Kerry will probably get signed copies of the translated Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Mein Kampf as part of the peace deal. Although, Kerry will fail at his folly due to the ideological beliefs of the Islamists who only want the destruction of Israel and the removal of all Jews from that land. Just read the Hezbollah and Hamas charters to know the truth of the matter. Kerry would be smart to read them as well.
Siarlys--think again.
P.S. for Siarlys--let me ask you, if I am Elmer Fuddish, but more intelligent than you (which I am), who/what does that make you?? Just curious.
elwood, your premise is unsubstantiated. Therefore your conclusion needs no refutation. I would never offer my own evaluation as proof of my intelligence, no matter how much I believed it to be true. But if you want an objective measure, my IQ has tested everywhere from 70 to 145.
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