
Friday, January 3, 2014

An IDF Soldier Confronts Ignorance in America

Hat tip Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers

Pro Israel Bay Bloggers has re-posted this October 10, 2013 article from the Times of Israel. It is written by Hen Mazzig, a former Israeli soldier, who took up a job in the Pacific Northwest with Stand With Us speaking to people about the situation in his homeland. He was unprepared for the total ignorance and hostility he was about to encounter even from some American Jews.

Welcome to the world of academia, Hen.

"The claims go beyond being absurd – in one case, a professor asked me if I knew how many Palestinians have been raped by IDF forces. I answered that as far as I knew, none. She triumphantly responded that I was right, because, she said, “You IDF soldiers don’t rape Palestinians because Israelis are so racist and disgusted by them that you won’t touch them.”

(Touché ?)

If Hen can take solace from one thing, it is for sure that virtually none of his attackers have or ever would put on the uniform of their country as he has done.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

A good response to the professor would have been "And you know this, how?"

Miggie said...

Come on guys, we got to get our rape stats up so they won't call us racists anymore. The Muslims certainly do even more than their share on this.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Well Miggie, if you're going to post accusations, get your stats up. And be prepared to provide the sources of your stats too. You have a proven record at this very site of shamelessly making things up, and not being able to deliver when challenged.