
Friday, December 13, 2013

What Students Are Reading at Marquette University: Bill Ayres

Hat tip Campus Reform and Turning Point USA

A camera team from Turning Point USA went to Marquette University to ask students what they thought about classes assigning textbooks written by former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayres (who went on to become a professor in Chicago and associate of some guy named Obama.)


Siarlys Jenkins said...

What do the textbooks say? Are they about how to assemble bombs? Or are they standard textbooks on some subject in which Ayres, however juvenile his politics, has some documented expertise? Does it really matter that Bill Ayres is the or an author?

Gary Fouse said...


How about if the Music Dept assigned a textbook by Charles Manson on how to play the guitar?

Siarlys Jenkins said...

The propriety of doing so would depend on two things:

1) Does Manson know anything about playing the guitar?

2) Does the text stick to the subject matter, or does it have sidebars with rants about the special political significance of the Beatles song "Helter Skelter," predictions of a coming race war, advice on how to slit the throats of bourgeous pigs, etc. etc. etc.?

I don't think there's much doubt what the answers to either question would be. I also am quite confident that no publisher has offered for sale a book such as you describe. In fact, I'm quite confident Manson has never authored such a book.