This is an article written by one Kevin Barrett of Press TV, which is the English-language press organ of the murderous Iranian regime. Its thesis is that the outcry over Iran's nuclear program is all due to Zionists like Bibi Netanyahu misleading the West and.....
Islamophobia, which, according to Barrett is the biggest threat to world peace, which I surmise according to him would be brought about if the rest of the world would simply surrender to Islam. Failure to do so constitutes Islamophobia.
First of all, anyone who aligns himself with Press TV aligns himself with the Iranian regime, which is the world's leading supporter of international terrorism, a regime that persecutes its Baha'i minority, as well as other religions, and hangs homosexuals. We have already seen how they treat peaceful protesters within their own country-they shoot them down like dogs in the streets. This is the regime that held our diplomats hostage for 444 days. This is the regime that has thrown a American Christian pastor in prison for practicing his faith.
Yet, people like Mr Barrett, George Galloway, Yvonne Ridley, Abdul Alim Musa, and Rabbi Ysroel Dovid Weiss have no qualms about cozying up to the Iranian regime and Press TV. While making the necessary disclaimers, Barrett's article is dripping with thinly-veiled anti-Semitism. While ignoring all the barbarism happening around the world under the banner of Islam, he tries to make the case that the rest of us are the haters. Many of his passages, if not all of them, are laughable.
"According to the new book Western Terror by Noam Chomsky and André Vltchek, the US and its vassals have murdered between 55 and 60 million civilians in military and CIA interventions since World War II."
Here is what Lee Kaplan wrote about Mr Barrett earlier this year.
Here is a little visual reminder of what the Iranian regime has brought the world. From top to bottom: Neda Agha-Soltan, shot down for protesting, American diplomats as hostages, and hanging of gays. This is the regime that Kevin Barrett speaks for.
Excerpt from Barrett's article:
"The Western notion of chivalry - warrior knights sworn to protect civilian women and children, holding to the highest standards of ethics in both war and peace - was imported from Islamic Spain, where Muslim knights had developed the concept of al-futtuwa (Islamic chivalry)."
I suppose the 120,000 dead and casualties in Syria and the million dead in the Iran Iraq war are an anomalies. These are just Muslim on Muslim violence. The Islamic 9/11 on theUS attack will never be forgotten or explained away with some made up bullshit about "highest standards of ethics in both war and peace."
Nor will the daily bombings and other atrocities committed by the ROP.
The frequent recorded beheadings, honor killings, and stonings must also be another kind of "Islamic chivalry."
Loonwatch: In case you missed Kevin Barrett's latest- he claims "Jewish-Zionist freemasons of B’nai B’rith are the biggest force in freemasonry…" and implies Fukushima is "the result of an undersea Israeli nuke plus stuxnet-style sabotage" Forgive me for linking to his nonsense.
This is great stuff. Tell me he is doing satire, please. If not, the guy has been smoking his socks.
Why the reference to Loonwatch? I believe they think he's great because he is anti-Israel, right?
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