No tip of the Hat to the LA Times
Note: Graphic images
Stalingrad then-Volgograd now: Note the iconic sculpture in front of the train station
-Siberian Times
The Russian city of Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad) has been hit by two suicide bombings in less than two days with over 30 dead. Ironically, it seems we get more details on the perpetrators from a Russian newspaper than we can from the LA Times.,0,6572881.story#axzz2oyJM6R6x
Here is the Russian report which identifies the train station bomber.
Oksana Aslanova
What the LA Times seems reluctant to tell its readers is that the Volgograd attacks are Islamic. We are talking about the same region of Russia, the North Caucasus, that gave us the Brothers Tsarnaev, and which has just given Russia the Volgograd attacks.
From Vlad Tepes: Video images of the train station attack (graphic)
It is beyond shameful that Western media like the LA Times will not inform its readers about where the terror threat is coming from. If the public is not informed, how can they protect themselves? If we cannot identify the threat, how can we ever defeat it?
And we call it the Religion of Peace why?
What "left"?
Anyone who forgets that Lenin endorsed the Balfour Declaration, and warned "Beware of a pan-Islamic movement masquerading as a national liberation front" might possibly call themselves radical, but they cannot with any integrity call themselves "left."
Ah, Judaism is NOT the religion of peace. Then why should the Muslims be?
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