
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Muslim Patrols in UK

"This is a Muslim area"

Hat tip Vlad Tepes and Daily Mail

This is how bad it has gotten in the UK. Watch the two videos linked below.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

A band of self-appointed vigilantes was jailed? Good. Now, hopefully the new DA in Brooklyn will take similar action against the Hassidic thugs who are harassing people in their "Jewish area."

Gary Fouse said...


I don't know about your description of Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn, but all I can say is that nobody in the US would ever be able to enforce their religious law on me in this country.

Doesn't matter what religion it is.

Squid said...


I your statement about Hassidic Jews harassing poelple in the "Jewish area". Please give a reference, if you can.



Siarlys Jenkins said...

Yeah, its the New York Times, but for this story, its a home town paper.

That should do for a start.

Gary, I'm sure nobody in the US could enforce their religious law on you. No doubt there are people in Britain who could say the same thing. In neither country does it stop religious fanatics from trying.

Squid said...

@ Siarlys,

Thanks for the references. The activities referenced in GB and Brooklyn are different. In GB, there were actual patrols and assaults on the streets. In NY, it was denial of entrance to hasidic establishments. The bus incident was not OK and that should be stopped. The displaced woman can actually create a lawsuit against the Hasidic Jews making her go to the back of the bus. I would have done more.
There is a distinct difference here and it should be noted.
Again, thanks for your time in this matter. Interfering in one's individual rights must be protected under law, as you pointed out.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

There is more in those articles than denial of entrance to a business. There are shadowy squads going around making threats, some perhaps of legitimate consumer boycotts, others of violent acts, destruction of property, threats to persons. Its true that direct on-street threats of immediate pumeling are not invoked. But that's because the enforcement squads in Brooklyn are more sophisticated.