
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Iraqi Christians: Following in the Footsteps of Iraqi Jews?

Hat tip Ynet News and Ted

The term, "Iraqi Jews" is almost one consigned to the ancient history books as only a few remain. (See my recent cross-post of Orange County Register editor Rory Cohen's column.) That may soon be true for Iraq's Christian community. When Sunni and Shia Muslims are not blowing themselves to bits with car bombs, they are targeting the Christian community.,7340,L-4356610,00.html

This, of course, is the elephant in the room that the world prefers not to talk about lest they offend Muslims world-wide and send them back into the streets to burn and kill. (Did I say back into the streets?) From one corner of the Islamic world to the other, religious minorities are being persecuted and driven out of their homes and homelands. The Jews have been almost all gone since 1948. How long will it be before the Islamic world can proclaim itself to be "Christian-rein" (free of Christians). How about Baha'i rein?

Meanwhile the 57-member Organization of Islamic Cooperation is still working within the UN to get that Defamation of Religion (Islam) law passed that would silence us all as the horrors continue. Here at home, organizations like CAIR continue to complain about Islamophobia though the annual hate crimes statistics continue to show that Americans are not targeting innocent Muslims for attacks. What CAIR and their co-conspirators at ICNA, ISNA, MPAC and MAS won't address is the worldwide persecution of religious minorities in Islamic lands. Bring it up and they make excuses, obfuscations, and call you a bigot or Islamophobe.

So what do they call the Iraqi Christians, Syrian Christians, Egyptian Christians, Iranian Christians, Sudanese Christians, Nigerian Christians, Pakistani Christians etc.?


1 comment:

Miggie said...

There was a Pastor who wrote:

First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.