
Monday, December 16, 2013

Has HHS Engaged in Obstruction of Justice?

Hat tip Frontpage Magazine

"Specifically, Issa is calling into question legally dubious actions taken by the HHS. The department has allegedly been interfering with a congressional investigation by instructing various businesses to ignore information requests made by his committee."

Matthew Vadum, writing in Frontpage Magazine, raises the question of whether someone in the Dept of Health and Human Services has broken the law in advising companies connected to the botched Affordable Care Act not to respond to Congressional information requests.

In addition, take note of this:

“A charitable reading suggests that ObamaCare’s net enrollment stands at about negative four million. That’s the estimated four million to five and a half million people who had their individual health plans liquidated as ObamaCare-noncompliant—offset by the 364,682 who have signed up for a plan on a state or federal exchange and the 803,077 who have been found eligible to receive Medicaid.”

"Ah wunnerful, ah wunnerful, ah"

(Hat tip John Speedie)

I guess that explains that recent e-mail I got from Organizing for Action that stated that 1.2 million new people now have health care coverage. Of course, they said nothing about the 4-5 million who have lost their coverage.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Issa's committee is indulging in petty harassment bordering on sabotage. It is unparalleled abuse of committee prerogatives. It should be resisted.