
Monday, December 16, 2013

General Union of Palestine Students Facebook: Personal Statement

Hat tip Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers

The General Union of Palestine Students at San Francisco State University has published a personal statement from GUPS president Mohammed Hammad as to the images and statements regarding Israeli soldiers which he produced recently, and which have caused a public outcry. Hammad claims the statements were taken out of context.

Here is the background on Hammad's statements which were, according to him, taken out of context.

Here is Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers' take on the letter.

I hope that this non-apologetic letter will not be used as an excuse for SFSU to declare the matter closed, much as UC San Diego in 2010 did after a student issued her explanatory statement after telling David Horowitz that she was "for" the leader of Hezbollah's statement that all Jews should gather in Israel so the job of hunting them down would be made easier. (Hat tip News Real Blog)

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