
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Diplomatic Shame for the US

Today the wife of an imprisoned Iranian-American pastor appeared before Congress and blasted the Obama administration for not even attempting to secure the release of her husband as part of the nuclear arms-sanction deal that was negotiated in private.



Siarlys Jenkins said...

Nobody in their right mind would make a deal on nuclear armament contingent on the disposition of one political prisoner. What foolishness.

Republicans in congress have been determined since November 2008 that they would undermine President Obama's administration if they have to crash the United States of America to do so. There is no reason the man's wife should have been accorded a congressional hearing. None at all.

Miggie said...

My sources tell me that the pre-agreement negotiations was preceded behind the scenes for a year by none other than Iranian born Valerie Jarrett --- our REAL President.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Yeah Miggie, and Rush Limbaugh is the REAL leader of the Republican Party.