
Thursday, December 12, 2013

BDS "Eviction" Notices Show up at University of Michigan

Hat tip Campus Insurrection

The obnoxious pro-Palestinian crowd is at it again, this time at the University of Michigan where "eviction" notices were slipped under the doors of dorm residents-all in the name of "raising awareness" as they say to the "plight" of the poor Palestinian people.

This is more than just an annoyance, which should turn off other students. It is an act of intimidation directed toward Jewish students on campus. It is a problem on campuses all across North America (including Canada). At San Francisco State University, it has reached the point of pro-Palestinian students trying to incite murder against Israeli soldiers. One day, there will be a real tragedy on a college campus, and college administrators are going to have a lot of questions to answer.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

If I received one of those eviction notices, I would write across it in bold red felt-tip marker, "Quo Warranto?" and tape it to my door.

Let's see if the self-appointed sheriff's deputies know how to look anything up in Black's Law Dictionary.

But by all means, belittle the kiddies, don't do them the favor of taking them seriously.