
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Another Wave of Church Desecrations in Germany

Hat tip Politically Incorrect (Germany)


Dateline Augsburg

Politically Incorrect reports another case of church desecrations in Germany, this time in Augsburg.


Miggie said...

According to Anonymous on a previous thread, this likely was done by Evangelical Christians or Jews who don't like Catholics.

It must be difficult to see realities in the world through Islamic eyes. Cognitive dissonance is a bitch.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

God is great? That's desecration of a church? I thought it was a line from a common table grace taught to Christian children from an early age.

Gary Fouse said...


If the church wanted "God is great" spray painted on its wall, they would have done it themselves.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

True, but if the graffiti said "There's probably no God, have a nice day" it would have a whole different significance.