
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Anjem Choudary: Time For the Brits to Crack Down

Hat tip Vlad Tepes and MEMRI

I am no expert on British law when it comes to things like incitement and conspiracy, but it is clear that it is time for the Brits to find something with which to put Anjem Choudary away.

Keep in mind that Choudary, who is of Indian descent and was born in the UK, cannot be deported.

This is a country that at varying times, has banned entry to non-Brits like Geert Wilders, Robert Spencer, Pam Geller and even Michael Savage. It is a country which does not enjoy the same rights of free speech as we enjoy in America. Just ask ex-EDL head Tommy Robinson. If a non-Muslim were to make statements against Muslims comparable to what Choudary says, none of whom among the above individuals does, the law would deal with him or her quickly. Surely, those  laws can deal with Choudary. At least one of the killers of Lee Rigby, currently on trial, is a documented follower of Choudary. This despicable creature's words are without question, an incitement to hate, violence, murder, and international terror.  He is a danger to British society and should be treated as such.

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