"We are now officially a banana republic"
A big Obama contributor, that's who.
Someday, when that big movie is made about the life of Barack Obama, I suggest Forest Whitaker in the leading role.
"If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance!"
All he has to do is lose a few pounds and he will nail it.
It doesn't matter if the cat is black or white, as long as he gets the thing fixed.
(paraphrasing the capitalist running dog, Deng Xiaoping)
Crony capitalism, unequal treatment under the law, special treatment and granting contracts to campaign contributors certainly puts us in the same category of banana republics.
The few favored are extremely well paid, don't deliver as promised, and the rest of us, the taxpayers, endure the cost. This is NOT how this country was designed to work. Maybe Chicago politics and favors work like that (and not very well) but not the USA.
This country was DESIGNED to ship all the production jobs to Haiti if native-born American peons offend the august manager by demanding higher wages, right Miggie?
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