For those of you watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York today, if you see a group of people wearing yellow t-shirts with a black hand superimposed, no, it's not supporters of the The Black Hand. It's not opponents of Mom and apple pie. They are supporters of Mohammed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. They feel that its important to impose their support of the MB on our Thanksgiving Day parade. Bah humbug!
You'll find a little of everything in New York. You trade with the world, the world comes to your door. Ditto for Cardiff, a while back. Not to mention Los Angeles.
Not one yellow T-Shirt. But there was a Dreidle. Happy Thanksgivukkah! Turkey, cranberries and latkes!
Not on yellow T-shirt? Then what was Gary crying about? He must be deeply disappointed.
Happy Thanksgivukkah to you also, although I don't eat potatoes unless they're fried.
Then you must love potato latkes. Fried and tasty.
Too mushy.
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