Amrit Marajh, 28, in custody for attacking a Jew
"Perl was wearing a yarmulke. At least one of the men in the group yelled an anti-Semitic slur, cops said."
It looks like young African-American youth are not the only ones participating in the new sport of "Knockout". Here are the details on the most recent arrest in New York City.
I wonder if CAIR has any comment.
*Update from Algemeiner
It looks like in Brooklyn, Jews are the preferred target. Here is what one Jewish victim had to say about his attack.
And indifference from the mayor's office out-going and in-coming.
I wonder if Mel Gibson's next movie franchise is going to be called "Knockout!" ???
Silly Gary.
Amrit Marajh is a Hindu name and not a Muslim name.
Amrit means "Immortal" in Sanskrit.
Marajh means "Great King" in Sanskrit.
Almost all muslims have Arabic first and/or last names.
Stop drinking the Jewish Kool Aid.
Silly you for making your anti-semitism clear. Did I say the guy was a Muslim?
(Well, I did ask if CAIR had a comment.)
(Maybe this was it.)
Several websites are calling the perp a Muslim, but none of the MSM outlets that I have seen. Many of these sites contain reader comments stating that the name is a Hindu name. If I get clarification, I will post it.
This reminds me of the Sikh convenience store owner in Arizona who was murdered in September 2001 by a couple of 'mericuns who thought anyone wearing a turban must be Muslim.
And all this time I thought Keith Ellison was a Muslim.
You have an amazing talent for trying to debunk an argument simply by muddying the waters with no real counter-argument. You have read too many law books.
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