
Monday, November 11, 2013

At USC, Coulter's Speech Goes off Well as Protest Fizzles

Hat tip to Breitbart and John Speedie for the audio

Just a brief follow up to the posting I put up about Ann Coulter's scheduled speech at USC Sunday night. According to Breitbart and others, the big protest consisted of about 5 peaceful protesters and a crowd of 400 fans who came to hear and applaud Ann.


Otto von Walmart said...

In Coulter's case, I would say that the lack of protest is a bad sign. People didn't protest because she has become irrelevant.

Gary Fouse said...

Ah, yes, Otto von Walmart aka Lance from the Contra Costa Dept of Education. Oh wait, it wasn't Lance because he assured me he doesn't work for Contra Costa and I owed him an apology. He also assured me it couldn't be anyone else from the Lance household at CC because they just weren't interested enough in my blog to bother.

In clinical terms, they call it an obsession.

"They're coming to take me away ha ha hee hee ho ho."

PS: Keep that "Lies and ignorance at fousesquawk" post up there high on google, Lance. The secret to a good readership is not having everyone love you when you engage in controversial topics. It's having a lot of people love you and a lot of people hate you.

Blotto von Quickee Mart said...

You're hilarious, Gary.

Why don't you just admit that you love me and want me back? Why else write a whole post devoted to me for the simple crime of checking out your blog from time to time? And why else this little exchange?

A few things, if you're willing to publish:

1. I don't work for the CC Office of Education. I also never said that nobody from there would be reading your page. I do suppose it's possible that my district's servers are part of the CC Office though, so maybe when you see that, it is me.

2. I thought you said that I didn't exist. Why engage me at all?

3. I'll take your advice about "obsession" to heart. Have you seen your blog lately? I'll file it under: "Takes one to know one."

4. I have no control over where Google keeps my posts. As I've said before, you are welcome to write any sort of rebuttal to that post. I won't edit or censor you. I think that what upsets you most about it is that I accurately called you out. Truth hurts, doesn't it? Feel free to prove me wrong.

Gary Fouse said...

"I don't work for the CC Office of Education. I also never said that nobody from there would be reading your page. I do suppose it's possible that my district's servers are part of the CC Office though, so maybe when you see that, it is me."

Leaving yourself a little wiggle room, eh Lance?

Feel free to read my blog any time. Feel feel to write all the articles on fousesquawk your heart desires. Just don't expect to get too many of your comments published-unless I feel like it.

Taco bon Mismark said...

"Leaving yourself a little wiggle room, eh Lance?"

Yes. Everything I said was true though. They're not my employer, and I'm not in Lafayette, so it might very well be somebody else. I don't know how the internet setup works and what falls under what domain.

And I'll take it that you do, indeed, miss me. It's okay, Fouse-Bear. I'm tempted to drive down to SoCal and give you a big old hug. You know, a really long one like a drunk uncle would give, and as you start to pull away, he just hangs on a little bit tighter, breathing stale Scotch in your face.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

When I first started reading Fousesquawk, I got the impression that Lance and Gary were next door neighbors, people who exchanged good-humored political insults over the fence while they were out washing their respective cars on a sunny southern California Saturday afternoon.

Turned out they live hundreds of miles apart, and I do know how long it takes to drive 101 from the Bay Area to Los Angeles, then on to Orange County. (Less distance than driving inland to I-5, possibly more time due to lower speeds, but MUCH better scenery.)

Gary seemed like an interesting character when I read his posts at Aleksandria. Lance hadn't even been invited to join Stuart's private menagerie yet at the time. Lance probably got invited because he commented at Fousesquawk.

Gary Fouse said...


It was good-humored until Lance called me a liar and coward because we disagreed on something-probably global warming. Then he writes that absurd piece on a blog we were both writing for. That's when I left alexandria when "My good Stuart" didn't even have the class to call for civility between two of his own writers. It was all so silly.

Lance Christian Johnson said...

That's not quite how I recall it, but I've already given my side of the story for anybody who's interested in learning it.

I'm not denying that I said those two things, by the way. I'm just quibbling with the explanation Gary gives as to why I said them. Whatever. I probably could have handled it better.

I left Alexandria as well, Gary, for somewhat similar reasons. I didn't expect Stuart to intervene though, as he made it pretty clear that Alexandria was a bit of a free-for-all, and he wouldn't ever step in on anybody else's behalf, so why would I think he'd do it for me?

At least, that's what I think he said. His writing style is a bit convoluted, and it's hard to suss out exactly what that guy is saying sometimes.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Well, it seems Stuart has a thin skin only when it comes to his OWN ego, nobody else's. And he stays up all night blogging, never suspecting that some people have to sleep at night so they can get to work on time in the morning.

I might join in calling your views on global warming ignorant -- it seems to me you have to reject a mountain of evidence as utterly and entirely false and/or irrelevant because you don't want to hear the evident conclusion. I try to be very careful about using the word "lies" and even more careful about using the word "liar," which are two different things.

One concerns a statement, the other besmirches a person's entire character. I don't believe Lance ever called you a liar. But I generally don't call a statement a lie, even if it is obviously false, if I have good cause to think the writer believes it to be true.

Gary Fouse said...


"I don't believe Lance ever called you a liar." See Lance's comment.

Lance, Your comments today are registered by site meter as coming from the Contra Costa Dept of Education in Lafayette as I originally reported and which you took exception to and said I should take down if not apologize. Facts are facts.

Lance Christian Johnson said...

I guess my district's internet must go through them then. I am telling you the truth though that I don't work in Lafayette. It's a couple of towns away from Pleasant Hill. I'll take your word for it that's what's showing up though. (But it's weird that it shows that I'm using a Mac. Honestly, I'm not. I'm using my own personal laptop PC. I can send you a picture if you want.) I trust you can understand why I'd think that it's not me.

And I didn't ask you to apologize for that. I asked you to apologize for calling me out on your blog without allowing me to respond. (I still have the original email.)

You seem to be allowing me to respond now, so it's all cool with me.