
Thursday, October 24, 2013

US Senators Take Notice of Copt Situation in Efgypt

Hat tip Atlas Shrugs

At least someone in Washington is taking note of what is happening to Christians in Egypt and elsewhere. It is long overdue, but a small group of senators is asking our government to do something to address the on-going persecution of Christians. The below article is from The Tennessean, a major Tennessee newspaper and was cross-posted in Atlas Shrugs.


Miggie said...

It is a shame when Congress has to propose to the President who is supposed to be in charge of foreign affairs. Typically, the President is AWOL... probably out on the golf course or out of town on a fundraiser.

I think the one million annually for envoy, etc. is a pathetic amount and does little to actually help protect the Copts.

I went back and read the article by the Copts was influenced by the way they, our nominal ally, view Obama.

"Instead, the Obama administration’s approach has been 1) to ignore the plight of Egypt’s Christians and 2) when attacks are especially egregious (and exposed by the MSM) offer perfunctory condemnation. (After all, if the administration was able to get away with the lip-service approach among Americans—vocally condemning and promising to get the Muslim Brotherhood-linked murderers of Americans in Benghazi but then ignoring it—surely it will not hesitate doing so with a foreign nation.)

"As for making U.S. aid to Egypt contingent on respect for human rights, the Obama administration has been idle."

It concludes, "What more proof can any sensible American need to know that the Muslim-named president of the United States is in league with Muslim terrorists?"

I concur.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

And what "response" do they propose?

Siarlys Jenkins said...

At this point, making U.S. aid to Egypt contingent on respect for human rights means, in practical terms, demanding that the government stop repressing the Muslim Brotherhood. So Miggie says the Obama administration has been idle in this regard... but he's our Muslim president? Sometimes the labrynthine corridors of Miggie's thought process reveal a glimpse of what's really inside.