At any rate, it is a bit disconcerting to learn that we have been caught tapping German chancellor Angela Merkel's personal cell phone. Ouch. I mean what were they hoping to learn-where she gets her hair done?
"I don't think that's funny."
At any rate, the Europeans have pretty much learned what half of the American people have-that President Obama is an incompetent who is screwing up everything he touches internationally-from Russia to the Middle East to the jungles of Borneo.
Now we learn that even the Saudis are reconsidering their relationship to the US, partly due to our perceived lack of action on Syria and our gullible reaction to the Iranians. In the latter, I have to agree with them. They see the reality of the Iranian regime while Obama-Kerry and EU boob Baroness Lady Catherine Ashton are still trying to talk the mullahs into becoming responsible members of the world community and give up their dream of building a nuclear bomb and blowing Israel to smithereens. No sense bugging Ashton's cell phone because it is of no consequence where she gets her hair done.
"I don't think that's funny."
Of course, Obama's biggest foreign policy flop is in the Middle East. In Egypt, he has linked arms with the Muslim Brotherhood and is insisting that the military bring them back into government. In Syria, he is assisting rebel factions that are aligned with Al Qaeda. In both countries, the Obama administration is ignoring the plight of the Christian minorities who are being persecuted and their churches burned by the aforementioned entities that they support.
And Libya? We all know about Benghazi, don't we? (except for the facts that the administration and State Department refuse to tell us). And just this week, we learn that not only have we not captured or killed any of the terrorists who attacked our consulate, we don't even have a reward being offered for them. Is the administration afraid of what they might say if they are captured?
"What difference at this point does it make?"
But at least there's one foreign policy success that Obama can point to: That Egyptian guy who made the video that was blamed for the Benghazi attack is still in jail.
"Now that's funny!"
1 comment:
Indeed Gary, we all know that the National Security Agency was invented by the Obama administration in early 2009 as a vehicle for spying on the Tea Party. Why nobody in the Republican Party would have tolerated creation of the NSA had they known anything about it.
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