"Ain't my f****** fault. ___________ is the F****** guy!"
That was then-Dodger manager Tommy Lasorda a few decades ago blaming the Dodgers' losing on general manager Al Campanis, who had made some bad trades.
Seems the same finger-pointing is going on now in Washington as hearings were held today involving contractors who had put together that $634 million dollar website for enrolling in Obamacare. The witnesses today are testifying that they notified the appropriate government agencies that there were problems in the computer.
Then there was Frank Pallone (D-NJ) blasting the Republicans and calling the hearing a "monkey court".
Meanwhile, Kathleen Sibelius, who was too busy attending some photo op in Arizona to appear, is expected to testify next week. It should be fun.
And if Mr Pallone thinks the Republicans are politicizing this mess, I say, "Why not?" The Republicans did not support Obamacare. They tried to defeat it and lost. This baby belongs totally to Obama, his administration, and the Democrats in Congress who supported it all the way.
And as far as the fear Pallone is talking about, there should be fear on the part of those who are trying to enroll. This website is a dream come true for all those identity thieves out there. Would you really believe it at this point if some Washington hack assured you that there were appropriate safeguards in this monster to prevent identity theft?
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