
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Godmother- Part 7

The Godmother

The studio was a madhouse. People were running and scurrying about. The president of the studio was on the phone with several people at once ordering people about.

He was preparing that mini-series about the Godmother.

"Get me Diane Lane. And have Harrison arrange that interview with the Godmother. Production is due to start next week."

The mogul's secretary rushed in.

"Miss Mills is here, Sir."

"Miss Mills! The Godmother's consigliere? Show her right in."

Cheryl Mills walked into the mogul's office and sat down.

"Cheryl! So glad to see you. We're getting ready to start shooting."

"That's why I'm here," Mills replied, "Everything is off."

Stunned, the mogul slumped back in his chair. A long moment passed.

"What do you mean off ? I've got people en route to Washington to interview the Godmother. Diane Lane is under contract. I don't understand."

"There will be no interview. The whole thing has been reconsidered. We don't feel it is wise to do the project at this time."

"But why?"

"Let's just say it might raise too many questions. Besides, the reaction to the idea has been, let's say, less than positive. Sorry, but everything is frozen."



Mills got up to leave.

"But Cheryl, We've got everybody under contract. Kim Kardashian was going to play Monica. Everything is lined up; planes, hotels, hookers for Bill. What are we supposed to do now?'

"I don't care. Make a documentary on the rise and fall of Dale Sveum. That's your problem," replied Mills she walked out the door closing it behind her.

"Hey, Cheryl! Who's gonna pay me for my f***** horse?"

The mogul sat there stunned.

"Dale Sveum. Who the f*** is Dale Sveum?"

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