
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Obama's Egyptian Policy in Pictures

Hat tip Atlas Shrugs


A picture tells a thousand words.


Miggie said...

Now we are loved all over the world... I thought Obama promised to change the world's view of us if he were elected. Then he went on to apologize for us to every every enemy we had.

Wonder why no one calls him on this.

Also wonder what the former Secretary of State did to improve our image in the world.

Whatever it was. It had the opposite effect.

Anonymous said...

"Then he went on to apologize for us to every every enemy we had.

Wonder why no one calls him on this."

Please provide the exact quote where he did this. No quote mining, please.

Anonymous said...


For starters, read Obama's first foreign address as president given in Cairo. This misplaced preference has been his policy to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to this day.

First Anonymous said...

So, Anonymous #2, you don't have a direct quote then?

Gary Fouse said...

Anonymous 1

Seems it would be easy for you to pull up the text of the speech in Cairo. It's out there.

First Anonymous said...

Strange world where the one asking for proof is the one who has to do the research. Seems like if he said it, you guys would have a ready quote.